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SEND MAILTO:woody@woodrell.com

Last update Nov 9, 1997 By Woody Woodrell

DISCLAIMER - Use this information at your own risk. The information I provide is time proven in the field and I hope the information others submit is also. In any case you must always follow all safety regualtions that apply to the equipment you are working with and follow the manufactuers reccomendations in using test equipment.

Woody Woodrell's orginal misc. Formulas page

How to determine cylinder speeds. This is an article I wrote for Iinjection Molding Magazine
This will allow you to determine the speed of cylinders on your machines

Ten Basic Machine States
This article will allow you to break down your machine cycles down into ten basic states to enable easier troubleshooting

T-Line tune up procedure
This article is based upon a standard tuneup on a Cincinnati Milacron PC3 T-line molding press. It is a good basic document to use with all presses.

Tips for processing Polycarbonate from others in the field
Remember to send in your tips!

How to measure stretch on tie bars.
This will allow you to determine the correct stretch on any size machine for the clamp area tie bars.

Visit ElectroSTATICS inc
Static electricity is a problem for many injection molders. Getting the right
equipment is only half of the solution. Electrostatic has a great
deal of experience in the area of static control and designs and
manufactures a complete line of ionization equipment to reduce the
static charge on plastic parts.ElectroStatics designs and manufactures a
complete line of static control equipment for the plastics industry. Products include meters, ionization
blowers, ionization nozzles, static bars
This information came from Peter Mariani of ElectroSTATICS inc.

This forum is for the discussion of :
Process control
Quality Planning
and any other relevant matters.
Please feel free to visit and more important to use.
This came from Howard Atkins in ISREAL, Thanx Howard.

This is also a great list of company links in the industry
Attention NPE attendees!
Make the most of your NPE visit, access the
PlasticsNet Expo Showcase .

For help in picking Mold Steel and troubleshooting problems relating to them click here. This email message was from Ted Gerson to me, I included it as a link as is.